Promoting the Working Border Collie in Australia

Membership & Registrations

If you own a purebred Working Border Collie or are looking at purchasing one and want to have it registered in our stud book, then this is the page for you!!

Firstly, you need to make sure you are an AWBCR member, or your membership is current. The form you need is in the link below, all you need to do is fill it out pay your membership fee and email the form to and Peta will get you sorted out. Our membership runs from the 1st of July to 30th June, if you have not paid your renewal by the 31st of Dec, you will be asked to pay the late renewal fee.

All your registration and transfer forms for your dogs & litters can be found in the below links. Once complete pay your fees, making sure to use your last name and membership number as reference, then email the forms to our Registrar Tricia Thomas at

If you have purchased a dog or pup from someone and it has not been registered before then you need to fill out the Dog Registration form. Litter Registration forms are for a litter you have bred and wish to register. 

The Registry is also offering a certified registration service, to be eligible for a certified registration all dogs on the pedigree must be registered with the Australian Working Border Collie Registry and must be fourth generation pure. This service is applicable to those breeders who are seeking registration with the American Border Collie Association (ABCA)

What’s included.

New Member

Per Annum - allows breeders to be listed on website


Renewal Membership

Per Annum - allows breeders to be listed on website
memberships run form the 1st July to 30th June each year


Late Renewals

If renewal isn’t paid by 31st December than late fee must be paid



Must be approved by register before being activated. Prefix must ONLY be used for Border Collies, no other breed or crosses. 


Registrations RP

Both parents registered with either the AWBCR, ISDS or ABCA


Registrations NON RP

Non-Registered parents. Non or only one parent is registered with AWBCR.


Certified Registration

All dogs on the pedigree for 3 generations must be registered with the
AWBCR, ISDS or ABCA to be eligible.


Transfer of Ownership

From one financial member to another


Advertisement on Website

Allows member to advertise a litter or dog they have for sale.


*prices as of 30/4/2023