Promoting the Working Border Collie in Australia


Online Studbook

Our online Studbook can now be accessed, if you have a pedigree you wish to research you can look it up online. Feel free to contact, Tricia Thomas, Registrar if you need further information at
Please note the online database is published with the important disclaimer that the information made available is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief at the time of publication. You must not use the information provided for your own personal benefit it remains at all times the property of the Australian Working Border Collie Registry. Pedigree information contained on this site is based on details provided to The Australian Working Border Collie Registry by Members for the purpose of the Registry’s record keeping. Whilst exercising due care, the Registry is unable to guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of such information and cannot accept any responsibility for reliance by any person upon any of the information.

Australian Federation of Livestock Working Dogs (AFLWD)
The Australian Working Border Collie Association Registry is a member of the AFLWD and as such have adopted their Animal Welfare Policy

Code of Welfare for Australian Livestock Working Dogs

Buyer Beware
It has come to our attention that some “breeders” are advertising registered AWBCR pups for sale, so please be careful, if you have been scammed, please report it to the ACCC